High Dose Vitamin C IV Cocktail

High Dose Vitamin C IV Infusion: A Potential Alternative Therapy

Introducing our High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy, an experimental cancer treatment showing limited promising results.

The discovery of vitamin C was a pivotal advancement in human nutrition. Scurvy, a severe vitamin C deficiency disease, plagued sailors during the 16th century long voyages. Scottish naval physician James Lind demonstrated that consuming oranges and lemons cured and prevented scurvy in 1747. However, it took nearly two more centuries to identify the curative substance, now known as vitamin C. Today, vitamin C is a popular dietary supplement, yet a significant number of people remain vitamin C deficient. Prolonged sub-optimal vitamin C exposure could lead to adverse health effects and increased susceptibility to various diseases. The optimal dosage of vitamin C required to maximize its health benefits has been hotly debated. While some advocate for megadose quantities, mainstream medicine has largely ignored or even ridiculed these claims.

High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy Components

Containing 25g of Vitamin C, our therapy provides a powerful immune system boost.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, it supports immune cell function and fights infections. Additionally, it aids collagen production, crucial for healthy skin, and helps the body absorb iron from plant-based foods.

Moreover, vitamin C promotes wound healing and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Before starting this treatment, a G6PD blood test is required to ensure safety. This test ensures you won’t be effected by a rare clotting condition that can be caused by high dose vitamin C.

Mobile High Dose Vitamin C Infusion Services

Leaving home when you’re unwell is challenging. Our mobile IV therapy brings healing directly to you. Whether you’re fighting cancer or boosting your immune system, our team ensures you can relax and rejuvenate at home. Just a reminder, this treatment is not FDA approved and has shown mixed results in studies Cancer.gov has a discussion about this. Don’t let illness hold you back; experience the benefits of our High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy today!